Faucet In A Box Ultimate R118Changelog:
- PHP 8.2 compatible
- Removed dead captcha providers
- Removed dead wallet providers
- Faucetpay - added missing crypto currencies
- Added protection against multi-address claimers
Upgrading from r117:
- backup DB
- backup files
- unpack and upload r118
- upload your old template
Please beep me if you get any issues with this version

. Just don't ask me how to update.
Have coins that you don't need? Want to tip me?
Other topics:Finally R92 and a shortlink pool!
I've got too many requests about this and I'm not going to delay it anymore.
- shortlink
...It is May 2018 and R88 is up and ready
It was planned to be a BUGfix only version, but it got some new features too. Let we see the changelog.
...Faucet In A Box Ultimate R103
- Fixed IPv6 bug that appeared in fresh r102
- Added ksWallet.net
- Added FaucetPay.io
...Faucet In A Box Ultimate R100
- "Packets out of order" when installing bug - fixed
- USD conversion to some exotic
...Warning! Nastyhosts is down! [Solved]Early morning the free service most of crypto faucets use "nastyhosts" stopped responding.
Since nastyhosts