R87 is up and ready for downloadThere is newer version of FBU here
I'm sorry that it took so long but I got swarmed by requests and since I'm the only one that finance this free project it is hard to spend more than 3-4 days/month coding.
- New captcha - raincaptcha
- Recent Payouts list on the main page (switchable from the admin)
- Referred Users list on the thank you page (switchable from the admin)
- Antibotlinks shadow for better readibility
- Daily claim limit (please don't abuse your users by setting crazy low numbers)
- Compatibility with more shortlink providers
- Shortlinks can now be required before the user can claim
- Shortlink
Limit and Shortlink
Priority (if you make the shortlink required then make sure you have at least one unlimited shortlink provider)
- Template changes (if you are updating make sure you compare and update your template).
- Many more bugfixes.
(updating from previous versions of FBU should not cause trouble)
Live demo at
More details about how the shortlink Priority and Limit works here.
Please beep me if you get any issues with this version
If you want to help this project feel free to donate any amount of BTC at 1MakeJarmmzLs5gzkQubNJxxx9kQMZpKPr or tip makejar.com in the FaucetHub chat. Thank You.
Other topics:Faucet In A Box Ultimate R116
- removed dead microwallets
- added all currently supported cryptocurrencies by FaucetPay
...Faucet In A Box Ultimate R100
- "Packets out of order" when installing bug - fixed
- USD conversion to some exotic
...Faucet In A Box Ultimate R112>>> <<<
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- fixed
...Faucet In A Box Ultimate R102
- Added CedsonHub
- Removed WFM
- Removed Nastyhosts
...Easy way to send USD payments to FaucetHubRecently many shortlink operators became in need to be able to easily convert USD to BTC and send payments