Best paying shortlinks and pure scams (December 2024)!This list is partially available also inside the latest Faucet In A Box
ultimate and is constantly updated thanks to all reports from our users.
If you know more well paying shortlink services you can
suggest a shortlink service.
Don't get scammed and constantly check our list for new add-ons/removals/reports.
Never use the same password in more than one shortlink service / forum / exchange etc. or you will loose more than you think.
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Last update: 14 December 2024
Other topics:Faucet In A Box Ultimate R101
- Better shortlink management.
- Removed ExpressCrypto v1 compatibility. Improved v2
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- "Packets out of order" when installing bug - fixed
- USD conversion to some exotic
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- Fixed self-refer prevention
- Added WalCrypt
...How the priority and Limit works in R87Since the release of FaucetInABox R87 I've got many questions about how the new "shortlink" feature works.
...Users going around AdlinkFly without solving the captcha?If you recently got a drop into catcha solving and are curious why it is because your f*** script is