Best paying shortlinks and pure scams (December 2024)!This list is partially available also inside the latest Faucet In A Box
ultimate and is constantly updated thanks to all reports from our users.
If you know more well paying shortlink services you can
suggest a shortlink service.
Don't get scammed and constantly check our list for new add-ons/removals/reports.
Never use the same password in more than one shortlink service / forum / exchange etc. or you will loose more than you think.
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Last update: 10 December 2024
Other topics:Faucet In A Box Ultimate R103
- Fixed IPv6 bug that appeared in fresh r102
- Added
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- Fixed IP_Locks error that appears when you install with different prefix.
...Suggest a shortlink serviceIf you know a reliable and paying shortlink service and want to share it with the world, you are in the
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...Easy way to send USD payments to FaucetHubRecently many shortlink operators became in need to be able to easily convert USD to BTC and send payments