Free Bitcoins? This is the place to start!

Try the faucets here and you will never look for another faucet list or rotator:

Best Bitcoin Faucet List Best Bitcoin Cash Faucet List Best Litecoin Faucet List Best Dogecoin Faucet List Best DASH Faucet List Best ETH Faucet List Best TRX Faucet List Best DGB Faucet List Best ZEC Faucet List
Suggest a *coin faucet!

At the moment we still don't have a form for a submission, but you can send us an e-mail at

Before submitting please make sure it is not already in the list and that it fits our rules:
- No redirecting-out
- max interval between claims 2880 minutes
- max wait time on page 180 sec
- Min REF 5% but at least 1 satoshi (or equivalent to 1 satoshi)
- No frames
- does not block any of our addresses
- No Malware
- No faucetfly
- No "Safety Limit" without a reason
- If you use clickjack (not suggested at all) then it should not prevent users from claiming
- pop-ups (up to certain level) are allowed (if FireFox running in strict mode is able to automatically prevent them)
- for faucets with threshold - min accumulated amount should be achievable with less than 100 claims (5 claims if you are using free hosting).
- please make note that we use autochecker to track faucet health.

We reserve our right to refuse adding a faucet if:
- it requires registration (it is good practice against bots, but results in tons of spam or password-hack attempts at the end).

This list is going to grow with the time. But not having clear rules will turn our list into a jungle. Thanks for understanding.

Other topics:
Faucet In A Box Ultimate R104

- Fixed "undefined" service in new r103 installs


While ...

Jar Pay 3.00 ready for download

- Added CedsonHub

Jar Pay 3.00

If you are upgrading from Jar ...

Faucet In A Box Ultimate R111

Upgrading is strongly recommended!

- fixed XSS vulnerability
- added DASH and BCH ...

It is May 2018 and R88 is up and ready

It was planned to be a BUGfix only version, but it got some new features too. Let we see the changelog.

- ...

Faucet In A Box Ultimate R100

- "Packets out of order" when installing bug - fixed
- USD conversion to some exotic ...