Faucet In A Box Ultimate R103There is newer version of FBU here
- Fixed IPv6 bug that appeared in fresh r102
- Added ksWallet.net
- Added FaucetPay.io
- Added MicroWallet.co
- Removed FaucetHub.io
There is a bug in 103 (fresh installs). Either go with 104 or run this query after installing:
INSERT INTO `Faucetinabox_Settings` (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('service', 'expresscrypto');
If you are upgrading from r102 and made no changes to the core files:
- backup DB
- backup files
- unpack and upload r103 (without config.php)
- replace with your old template
If you are running fresh r102 it is suggested to upgrade to r103 since otherwise users having IPv6 may not be able to claim.
Please beep me if you get any issues with this version
Have coins that you don't need? Want to tip me?
makejar.com @ ExpressCrypto, MakeJar @ CedsonHub or 1MakeJar79wqjDyqNagES7AaX9GwdtfqvS
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